We help busy restaurant owners succeed online.

More direct orders. Less time. Save thousands in fees.

  • Get more direct sales

    We rebuild your website to get more traffic from Google, so you don't need to rely on the delivery apps to get orders.

  • Automated marketing

    We use AI to automate your marketing. Drive more orders with built-in email, SMS and mobile app campaigns. Grow average ticket size with automatic upsells.

  • No more unfair fees

    Finally, delivery without giving up margins. Better for your business. Cheaper for your guests, so they keep coming back.

Get a free demo

Imagine having the same tech as Domino's and Starbucks.

Owner.com gives your local restaurant the same marketing tools that the big national chains use to drive sales.

We start by rebuilding your website with AI.

Owner.com uses AI to skyrocket the traffic that comes to your website. We do this with SEO features that get you ranked higher on Google. Best of all, we can have your new website ready in just a few days.

Guests will love your new online ordering system.

We studied how the delivery apps and national chains get people to spend money. Then put those best practices in your online ordering system. It's why websites with Owner.com get 2-4X more orders than the average restaurant website.

A custom mobile app just for your restaurant.

The big restaurant brands and the third-party delivery companies have trained customers to order from apps. With Owner.com, your restaurant gets its own custom branded mobile app — complete with a built-in rewards program.

Owner.com is like having your own marketing team.

The national chains have huge marketing teams that run campaigns across email, SMS, loyalty programs, and mobile apps. You can do the same thing with our pre-made automated campaigns. Choose which ones you want to run.

Commission-free delivery that's fair for everyone

Simple pricing for delivery that protects your profits.

  • Flat, fair delivery fees.

    Delivery with Owner.com is $4 flat to the restaurant, and $3 to the guest. You can choose to pay more of the delivery fee, depending on how much your customer orders.

    Learn more about our delivery
  • Top-rated drivers.

    We’ve negotiated with the third parties to get a bulk discount on delivery. We use a driver rating system to ensure that you and your customers only get top-rated, professional drivers.

  • Monthly contracts.

    You pay a monthly subscription for all the features of the Owner.com platform. No commission fees. No long-term contracts that lock you in. We believe in earning your business every month.

    Learn more about our pricing
“Owner.com is the most innovative solution we’ve come across in 35 years.”

"To succeed today, restaurants need to offer amazing online experiences to guests. Owner.com helped us do that in a way that was actually easy."

John and Sam

from Metro Pizza

Here's how to get started.

Connect Owner.com with your POS, share key accounts, then run a test order on your new website. Most customers launch in about a week.

  • Meet your onboarding guide

    You’ll work 1-1 with someone from our team who will help you with everything you need to launch.

  • Tell us about your business

    We'll get the basics like your EIN, menu, and info about your POS setup. Owner.com integrates with the major POS systems.

  • Share access to key accounts

    To set up your new website, we'll need access to your domain and set up a Stripe account. We'll then optimize your Yelp and Google profiles for your new website.

  • We customize your website together

    Together, we'll make sure your restaurant website and ordering experience looks just how you want it.

  • We run a test order

    We’ll test your new setup together to make sure everything is flawless before we launch.

  • Go live 🎉

    Your new system is ready to receive new orders!

  • Meet your Restaurant Success Manager

    You'll then meet your RSM, who is an extension of your team. Your RSM makes sure you’re getting everything you can out of Owner.com to grow your online sales.

See if Owner.com is a fit for you

Frequently asked questions

  • How long does it take to get started?

    We can launch your new restaurant website with online ordering in less than a week. To start – you provide the menu, upsell ideas, and visual preferences. We set up online ordering for you at no additional cost.

  • Do I need to be tech-savvy?

    You don’t need any tech skills whatsoever. We start with your existing website and supercharge it with AI to do everything you need for maximizing online sales. This helps us quickly set up your website. You’ll be working 1-1 with someone on our team to make sure it looks great before it goes live.

  • Should I stop taking orders through third-party delivery apps?

    Many of our customers keep using these apps to get new customers, then convert them to order directly from them using Owner.com. We help you by giving you flyers that have a QR code to order directly from you, increasing your margins and saving your customers money.

  • Do you take over my POS system?

    No, but we can automatically inject orders into many of the major POS systems. If it’s Clover or Square, we integrate directly so all the orders online go straight to your POS. We can also send you a tablet or printer (at no extra fee) if that's what you'd prefer.

  • What happens to my website if I cancel?

    During onboarding, we back up and save everything from your current website. That way, if you ever decide to cancel, we'll simply revert it back to your old site. Your domain name is also never at risk, since you'll always retain ownership of it. We just replace the website.

  • Do you do social media marketing?

    No. We've actually found that social media isn't great ROI for most local restaurants. On the other hand, Google search is proven to drive direct sales. This is why we've built Owner.com with Google SEO in mind.

    If social media is important to you, we believe that independent restaurant owners shouldn't outsource social media to a company, since guests may want to use it to get to know you better on a more personal level.

  • How do you get customers from the delivery apps to order directly from me instead?

    First, we help you educate your customers about costs. We do things like sending you flyers (at no additional cost) to put in your outgoing delivery orders, letting customers know that they'll save money ordering directly from you next time.

    Second, your online ordering experience with Owner.com is as good as the delivery apps, so guests enjoy coming back to your website and app.

    Third, we'll set up your reward program, so customers earn points when they order direct, and claim points for free food in future orders.

No long-term contracts. Month to month.

With a simple monthly contract, your local restaurant gets the tech behind some of the nation’s largest chains. You’re then backed by a team that’s with you every step of the way.

It’s why thousands of restaurants use Owner.com to succeed online.